Women of Vision

Motivational Humorist Zandra Bell Named Global Television Woman of Vision
Creativity, integrity, humour and courage – just a few words that describe Zandra Bell, Global Television’s Woman of Vision for April 2000.
This multi-dimensional woman motivates and entertains on the corporate stage, her customized performances being what Zandra has coined “infotainment.”
As a young graduate with a major in French and a keen interest in fashion buying, Zandra left a slow-paced job in a Montreal modeling agency to work for the federal government in her home town of Windsor, Ontario. By the time she was 29 years old, she had soared up the ladder of success and moved to Edmonton becoming the youngest regional Director in her department.
But the creative bones in her body continued to rattle.
After eight years in her new position, Zandra leapt from the security of her full-time job to pursue her dream in acting.
But it wasn’t easy, especially considering the catalyst for her career change was “getting out of an abusive relationship.” As so many women can relate, she says, “I needed a total change of pace – I needed to build up my self-esteem.” And it worked.
Today, Zandra travels abroad fascinating her audiences with her incredibly well-researched, inspirational performances.
With Humour in the Workplace as her main focus, Zandra draws on her experience of the business world. She successfully performs for employees of all walks – from dairy farming and oil industries, to geotechnical engineering firms.
She is authoring a comedy book entitled I Was A Middle-Aged Dating Machine, and in her spare time, she meets with a producer in preparation of her own television program! Success, she claims is “when you’re in a place where the flow of the universe works for you as you learn to relax in to the magic of your being.”
Congratulations Zandra for being a true Woman of Vision.
April 2000 , Profile by Renee Beuckert. Between the Lines Inc.